Thank you for visiting our website!
Welcome to our website, and through its information we hope you gain a glimpse of how God is at work in our church. We have a caring, family church, and we are excited to tell you what the Lord has done and will continue to do as we submit to His leadership. Feel free to browse through the various areas of our website and learn more about our fellowship.
Jesus gave a message to the church in Revelation 3:8 stating, "I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut." God has truly given us an open door to the Okarche community, and with Jesus as our head no one can close that door. Our prayer is that we will continue to grow in serving Christ and loving others to the glory of God the Father.
If you live in our area, we would love to have you be our guest any Sunday or Wednesday.
God is good,
Pastor James Inman